

+1 (718) 550-7993

Postal mail:
Melissa Gira Grant
275 9th St Unit 150-344
Brooklyn NY 11215-0344

If sending advance review copies of books, please email me first.

Literary inquiries

You can contact my literary agent, Sarah Burnes at The Gernert Company.

Before contacting me

Please do not contact me via Twitter direct messages.

If you have a sensitive inquiry, the simplest way to contact me privately and securely is using a method with end-to-end encryption, like Signal.

A few things to keep in mind about Signal:

  • The person you contact will see the phone number you used to sign up for Signal. You can create a Signal account with a different phone number, through using Google Voice or Twilio.
  • Signal does not collect any metadata about who you are messaging or what you are messaging about. The only data it keeps is your phone number, when you signed up for the app, and the last time you used the app.
  • It’s best to enter the number for the person you want to contact directly into the Signal app, and not to add the number to your contacts.

It’s also good idea to think through what risks you may face, and how to address them.

  • The Electronic Frontier Foundation has an introductory guide to threat modelingthinking about what information you need to secure, from who, how they may obtain it, and what the consequences might be—which is as important as choosing what tools to use.
  • This threat modeling guide from Freedom of the Press Foundation is geared towards filmmakers, but relevant to anyone.
  • Freedom of the Press Foundation also has a security guide for protecting sources (particularly around abortion but applicable to any sensitive communications), and a security guide geared towards protecting journalists.
  • Digital Defense Fund has a guide to privacy and security specifically for people working in movements for bodily autonomy.